Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Above my dad's desk sits a photo, taken one day during the week my grandfather died. Grinning ear to ear and draped in blaze, I hold in each hand a ruffed grouse. This is my beginning. I had hunted before then, but it is often said that fishing is not called "catching" for good reason. Those birds were the first I got and a one-two punch that made me come up swinging for more.
I firmly believe my grandfather had a hand in leading us to those birds because it was on the same roads that my dad had walked as a child hunting with his father. It was also what led my dad back to hunting.
For me it's the connection to the history of our family and a pride of place that originally led me to the woods in the fall. As I noted before, I came to hunting in college, and being of an age where there were virtually no barriers to my entering hunting, it was a simple proposition to get involved. I was raised in an urban environment, as many people are these days so we didn't hunt. We fished because we could and memories of walleye caught on Mickey Mouse toy rods are at the beginning of those memories. Having had the opportunity to work with youth and summer camps, I have seen first hand what the power of fishing can do to a kid who has caught their first fish, and I saw it in me, the first time I got a grouse, a deer or a duck.
We live in a society where barriers are present and people don't get outside enough let alone participating in hunting or fishing in a way that can help them understand the world in which they live. What I hope to build is a community where others can break down those barriers, because our world NEEDS more hunters - or at the very least people who have hunted because the understanding of so many things can be traced back to our nature as human beings.
I want to expose people to hunting who otherwise would not have the opportunity, I want to help you find you the resources and training you need to participate, and I am more than happy to take someone afield.
Drop me a line, this is where your journey can begin!

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